Apple releases the new Mac Mini
The Mac Mini is in some senses the most inovative product launched by Apple in the last year: it is a complete computer, with all technology (hardware and software) that Apple is used to provide, but in a very compact case that you can take everywhere. More important than this, the Mac Mini has a very good price for an Apple machine -- starting from $499, it is, as has been said by the company, the most affordable Mac ever.
Now, Apple goes back to the same theme, but tries to make the Mac Mini even more attactive than before. Being a machine so apt to work on the living room, it certainly needed a remote control (even more than the iMac). So, now the Mac Mini comes standard with front row, the technology that allow macs use the same interface of the iPods.
More changes to Mac Mini have been introduced: now, it has speed to be really competitive with other machines, from Apple or not. The new Intel Core (in two configurations Solo or Duo), provides all the power necessary to run the most processor hungry multimedia applications. With all the software available for the Apple platform, it is now a breeze to use the iMac mini to run the software necessary for a modern living room.
This, with the innovative form factor makes the Mac mini a great system for new users that want to use Mac to improve their digital lifestyles - Pictures, movies, music, and great applications.
Technorati Tags: Apple, Mac, Music, Software, video
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